When you’re creating your registry or first bringing a new baby home, it’s hard to know what you really need for baby teethers and rattles because a) they don’t need them for several months and b) every kid is different. But now that my second child has reached this phase, I’ve noticed there are a select bunch that both kids have used quite a bit.
Here are my picks for the best baby teethers and rattles. These all make great registry additions, gifts for when you meet a new baby, or everyday purchases for your own little one.

Manhattan Toy Winkel – This was our daughter’s most used infant toy – and in my opinion, one of the best baby teethers and rattles out there. She’d put it in her mouth, shake it around and it kept her entertained once she got the hang of it. Our son now loves it too and I often give it as a new baby gift. I think it’s ideal for 4 months and up – it’s lightweight so they can easily play with it. Don’t make the same mistake as me and try to sanitize it in the microwave… it melts.
Infantino Lil’ Nibbles Carrot – Another teether loved by both kids. The leaves of the carrot act as handles and it’s small enough that a younger baby can figure out how to chew on it easily.
Miraloop Teether – Probably our top toy for actual teething right now at 5 months. It’s easy for our little guy to hold and he puts all of the little ends in his mouth in all different directions. It comes with a clip if you want to take it on-the-go and avoid losing it.
Teetherpop Frozen Teether – This no mess teether hasn’t been used quite yet this time around at 5 months, but it was our favorite with our daughter and we’ll be buying it again. We mostly used water in it, but you can also put purees, applesauce, etc. in it. It’s easy for little ones to hold and chew on while allowing only a small amount to come out as it melts.
Itzy Ritzy Dinosaur Itzy Pal – Great because it has a teether and crinkle fabric part with tags – and there’s a circle piece that allows you to either attach it to something or hold onto it while your baby plays.
Nuby Ice Gel Keys – A nice simple option that’s usually under $5 and can go in the refrigerator to soothe baby’s teeth.
Itzy Ritzy Lovey with Teether – A soft lovey with both tags and a teether to chew on. This comes in lots of different animals. Our little guy likes to put fabric in his mouth so having something soft like this is nice to have on hand.
Nuby 3-Piece Teether Set – This comes with 3 different shaped teethers and our kids both liked this set. According to my Amazon, I’ve ordered 3x! It’s a good value pack if you assume you’ll lose or drop some when you’re out and about.
Infantino Water Teethers – We had another set like these that we put in the refrigerator for extra soothing – or even in the cooler in a plastic bag if we were going somewhere like the beach.