Bunny Stuffed Animals on Amazon

Bunny Stuffed Animals on Amazon

Easter is just over a week away and bunny stuffed animals – affectionately known as bunny “stuffies” to many kiddos – are an easy basket addition. Even easier when there are so many bunny stuffed animals on Amazon from popular…

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Easter Basket for Preschoolers

Easter Basket for Preschoolers

Preparing for the holidays – particularly gifts for littles – can be overwhelming thanks to the overwhelming amount of product suggestions on social media. Before I get into this post, I want to point out that these are just that…

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Baby Clothing Favorites

Baby Clothing Favorites

I learned with my daughter how easily it is to wind up with too much baby clothing – especially when the little one is your first and people are giving you all sorts of gifts (and in our case, a…

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Valentine’s Day Outfits for Babies and Toddlers

Valentine’s Day Outfits for Babies and …

I’m trying not to go overboard with holiday-specific outfits for the kids, but our daughter loved wearing all things Christmas in December and now gets excited about wearing hearts because it’s “almost Valentine’s Day.” There are so many cute Valentine’s…

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Halloween Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Halloween Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Tomorrow is the first day of October, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to pull out your festive decor and make sure the family has costumes squared away. I like to have a few seasonal books out at a…

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